Audience Research

There are two different types of audiences, primary and secondary.

Primary audiences, is the audience that is mainly being targeted for the product or text. On the other hand, the secondary audience is the audience that might be attracted by the text or product, even though they are not the one being aimed at.

It is really important to know who your audience is and how you’re going to attract them.

Demographic & Psychographic Profiling

Demographics refers to a selection of the population based on:

– Gender

– Age

– Race & Ethnicity

– Sexuality

– Class & Status

But this method only concerns wealth and doesn’t consider what people thing. Instead, you can use Psychographic profiling.

Because in many media audiences experienced many media types, the theory is that they were accustomed to the connotations. Violent and sexual media content is not having the same impact on viewers as they have experienced so much of it already. This is comparable to the concept of conditioning, where by repetition people learn and grow. Which is why an analyse previous texts

For various reasons, we are all watching media:·

  • Diversion: audiences are using the text as a type of distraction.
  • Personal Relationships: audiences build a sort of personal character and thematic connections within them.
  • Personal identity: audiences identify the media text and compare it to their life.
  • Monitoring: audiences use media text as a’ world window.’

Preliminary Research

Audience research is often conducted before a project is started to gain knowledge of how the audience could respond to the potential project / product. This may include stuff like market research, the emotions of the audience towards these products and multiple other alternatives.

Post-Production Research

Sometimes post-production audience research is conducted to find out how well it could be received, and make any modifications before it is published to the public. This is often done with movies to make sure the audience enjoys it, and can often make the difference between a happy and sad ending.

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