Camera experiment

Tracking shot

We used a tripod and a dolly for this shot, I steered the dolly and tripod so that I could capture this shot. The floor was not the smoothest, as a result our footage wasn’t very stable, I did use the stabilize effect on adobe premiere pro.

Deep Focus Shot

I took this shot without a tripod, I changed the settings a bit to give the surroundings more depth, and also tried to make the shot very focused on the texture of the bottle.

Dolly Shot

I used a Dolly for this shot, as well as a tripod. I simply steered the camera towards the vending machine and make the shot look more dramatic when I edited it during post – production.

Additionally, I did colour grade and made the shots more stable when editing. I also played around with the exposure and contrast to make the shots look more aesthetic, as that’s what I’m going for in my documentary.

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