
It has a similar time to the German expressionism. But it officially began with Dadaist writer André Breton’s in 1924. It came out during the WW1 It was used to show the impacts of war.

Sigmund Freud’s ideas about subconscious, including dreams analysis. Also links to fashion. It is all to do with art and poetry, it shows how everything has a meaning. This is something the German filmmakers loved to show in their films. They liked to play around with shadows and lighting as well as special effects.

Additionally, their stories were usually based of mythical creatures of the time, for example The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and The Golem.

Characteristics of surrealism

Reality is a collection of coincidence and chance or occurrence. It is about how life is very random; surrealism is used to show how our world is highly creative.

A high level or organisation and planning is needed to show surrealism in a film. Sets, costumes, music, and actors. They must practise their expressions. The aim is to allow the pen wander freely and look unrealistic in a way.

Surrealist films tend to have linear narrative and plots. This intends to mimic the random structure of dreams and help the audience access their subconscious mind.

It is an attempt to use editing and mimic the random nature of a dream. Furthermore, Mise En Sen is also used. Mise En Sen is a term used to describe the setting of a scene in a play or a film. It refers to everything placed on the stage or in front of the camera—including people. In other words, mise en scène is a catch-all for everything that contributes to the visual presentation and overall “look” of a production.

Surrealism films are often use shocking imagery that is jolts the viewer. Explicit engagement with taboo subjects such as a sexual desire. An attempt to access the subconscious desires and force the audience to acknowledge and confront them. For example, someone may have a desire to crash a car to see what it feels like or you must have thought how much it might hurt if someone shot you with a gun. Surrealist films often assault traditional institution in the society such as religion, family and marriage.

Contradictions with surrealist approach

Surrealist wanted to have Freud’s scientific approach as well as a childlike and inhibited approach. This can be seen in the way the actors act; a good example would be Edward Scissor hands. In the film he is shown as an innocent child who everyone must look after him.

Additionally, they also wanted to have a political action to overthrow what they saw as the church and the state. They collaborated with the Communist party in 1920.

I personally think that Surrealism is very interesting as, it helps filmmakers show their creativity in films. Lastly, I can see doing things which are inspired from this.

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