Music Video Diary Entry

6th January 2020

Today me and Muna made mood boards with all the different ideas we had for our music video. We also labelled our pictures so its easier to explain I t to the band we are thinking of picking.

7th January 2020

We completed our mood board today, we also started working on the lyrics. We both decided that we would like to do all the filming in the studio, therefore making a board using the lyrics helped our get a better idea of what aesthetic we would like to go for.

8th January 2020

I started doing the storyboards today, we decided that we would like to go for bold backgrounds like red, yellow and blue (not 100%). We also talked to Rob (teacher) about when we can talk too our chosen band.

10th January 2020

I continued doing the storyboards as well as the shot list, we also talked about what experiments we would like to try next week.

13th January 2020

Today we went and met our band at 3 pm, we showed them our mood boards and talked about our idea of the music video. We also got their names so we can print the actor’s forms and make a contact list. Lastly, we asked them about what days they are free on so that we can schedule the studio accordingly.

14th January 2020

Today we did some blogs as well as pre-production work, we also booked the studio for tomorrow so that we can try doing some experiments. For the experiments we had to go and borrow some fabrics from the fashion department.

15th January 2020

Today we did some experiment shots, we made two sets and used different lenses as well as a crane to challenge ourselves. Hopefully this has helped us be more confident for the day we do filming on.

16th January 2020

Today we focused on what we wanted our backdrops to be, we made a list of different ideas and cut down to the three best one.

17th January 2020

I tried looking for iridescent film today, I saw a video on YouTube where they used this film to make shots look very aesthetic. This would be useful as we won’t have to do too much editing that way.

21st January 2020

I went to the fashion department today along with Muna, originally, we were going to film today however, we forgot to book in. we also went and spoke to the band members after booking for tomorrow.

22nd January 2020

We did film today; we only filmed the shots with the sage fabrics and crane shots of them laying with flowers around them. We bought some of the fabrics on the weekend.

24th January 2020

We filmed shots with the red background and flowers today, we had to go and borrow instruments from the music department. These shots came out quite well.

27th January 2020

I edited the first bit of the music video today, I had to watch a few YouTube videos to make the “Sunshine of Your Love” logo.

28th January 2020

Today me and Muna went to Southampton too look for the iridescent film, as it wasn’t available online. we had to go today as, the shop we want to go to won’t be open after college, and we have work on other days.

29th January 2020

We filmed some more red shots today, we also set up the blue cloud set however one of the band members didn’t turn up on time, so we weren’t able to film on that set.

30th January 2020

I edited today and did some blogs on the set design.

31st January 2020

I worked on my essay stuff today, and stare making the credits for the music video.

3rd February 2020

We couldn’t do filming today as the first years were filming their TV show today and tomorrow. I took this as an opportunity to edit as much I can.

4th February 2020

Did editing all day

5th February 2020

Today was our last shooting day, we filmed the cloud scenes, as well as the radio scene. We also filmed the shots with the cloud board behind the members.

6th February 2020

I came to college today to do edit some of my music video, I tried colour grading most of the shots. I also learned how to add cinematic bars to the shots.

7th February 2020

Today I tried editing the TV shot, I tried before however it wasn’t working out well. The whole shot kept losing colour. So today I tried masking it on. Which also didn’t work out too well, but I will try it again if I get time.

10 – 14th February 2020

I spent the whole week editing the video and doing the evaluation.

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